Maple sugaring in Massachusetts employs more than 1,000 farm workers.
Massachusetts has more than 300 maple producers, with over 80% located west of 1-91.
Annual production is more than 60,000 gallons, worth over $5 million to the farmers.
Total economic impact of the maple industry is estimated to be $13 million.
Sugaring is one of the few tourist destination events to occur during mud season in March and April. Over 60,000 visitors spend in excess of two million dollars during sugaring season. Farms, restaurants, bed and breakfasts, country inns, and other tourist businesses share this income, which flows mostly into small towns and farm communities.
An active Massachusetts maple industry preserves more than 15,000 acres of open space.
Maple sugaring income allows many dairy farms to stay in operation by providing a secondary crop for them.
Almost all of the Massachusetts maple syrup crop is sold within the state, benefiting both the farmer and the consumer.
Massachusetts is the 9th largest maple producing state in the U.S.