Directory: Maple syrup
109 maple producers found
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3 Brothers Maple
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
856 Glendale Rd, Wilbraham, Massachusetts 01095, USA (Directions)
3 Brothers Maple was born from the interest of 3 brothers who love to enjoy sweets! What began as a family hobby is growing into a small business run by 3 first generation farmers who have a passion for the earth and the gifts that it offers. Each year brings …learn more
Agronomy Farm Vineyard
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
338 Ware Corner Rd, Oakham, MA 01068 (Directions)
Baile an Chotaigh Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
10 Harrington Rd, Westminster, Massachusetts, 01473, USA (Directions)
Operating sugar house.
Barton Brook Maple
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
245 Barton Avenue, Belchertown, Massachusetts, 01007, USA (Directions)
Barton Brook Maple creates hand-crafted, small-batch maple syrup. Our sap is gathered by hand on a 6-acre wood lot on the north slope of Belchertown’s Turkey Hill. Native wood, split by axe, fuels a 2′ X 6′ Leader evaporator within our 10 x 16 sugar house nestled on the banks …learn more
Big Head Fred’s
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple syrup
Contact information
417 Flat Hill Rd., Lunenburg, Massachusetts, 01462, USA (Directions)
Black Rooster Farm
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
161 Rowley Hill Road, Sterling, Massachusetts, 01564, USA (Directions)
(207) 400-5224
Family run – retiree operated – farm/homestead on 8 acres. In addition to small batch Artisan maple syrup, garden produce and eggs, our farm supports 3 horses (2 boarded), 3 goats used to help with brush and weed control, 9 hens, a black Australorp rooster (Henry) or whom the farm …learn more
Blue Heron Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
8 Warner Hill Road, Charlemont, Massachusetts, 01339, USA (Directions)
(413) 339-4045
Rte 2 to 8A north, 3rd left is Warner Hill, go 3/4 mile up to sugarhouse on left w/blue metal roof. Goat herd, Norwegian Fjord horses, cultivated blueberries, farm vacation rentals & certified organic maple syrup. Please call ahead.
Boggastowe Farm
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other products from this farm
Contact information
20 Shattuck Street, Pepperell, Massachusetts, 01463, USA (Directions)
2025 Maple Weekend Open Saturday 11 – 4 & Sunday 12 – 4. Enjoy some complimentary sap tea or coffee, help gather sap, view the process from tree to jug. sap will be boiling for all to see. Try all our maple products including sap, syrup, maple cream, maple sugar, …learn more
Boyden Brothers Maple
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products
Contact information
642 So. Deerfield Road, Conway, Massachusetts, 01341, USA (Directions)
On Rte 116 in Conway. Mail: 642 S. Deerfield Rd. Open during maple season when we’re boiling, and weekends in December. Call us other times.
Bridgmont Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
61 Chesterfield Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, 01027, USA (Directions)
(413) 527-6193
Rte 9 W past Look Park in Northampton, left at Sunoco gas to Leeds. L at Leeds P.O. Follow onto Chesterfield Rd. Through 4 corners. R at Y, 2nd farm on right. Established in 1786. Continuous family for 8 generations. Offering maple products, grass-fed beef, and compost.
Brookledge Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Maple candy, Maple syrup, Other maple products
Contact information
158 Haydenville Road, Whately, Massachusetts, 01093, USA (Directions)
413-559-1150 or 413-665-2891
From Whately Ctr, go west of Whately Inn 2 miles on Haydenville Rd. Maple products available all year.
Browning Brook Maple
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
4 Nelson Road, Colrain, Massachusetts, 01340, USA (Directions)
(413) 824-8794
Small family operation. We set approx. 450 buckets. Boiling times vary. You’re welcome to stop and visit. No frills operation, just a basic downhome operation.
Bucket List Maple Syrup
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Maple Weekend
Contact information
84 Long Hill Road, West Brookfield, MA (Directions)
2025 Maple Weekend – Open Saturday & Sunday 11 – 3 We are hopeful to show visitors syrup being produced and will have maple products available (maple candy, maple cream, maple syrup, and maple syrup) for sale.
Bumpas Maple Syrup
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Maple Weekend
Contact information
1500 Pleasant St., Barre, MA (Directions)
2025 Maple Weekend Open Saturday & Sunday 10 – 2 Sugarhouse open to watch the maple sugaring process. Snacks available. Maple cream, Maple cotton candy & More.
Caproni Family Sugarbush
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
452 Walker Street, North Adams, Massachusetts, 01247, USA (Directions)
(413) 663-7330
Contact us for quality maple syrup and maple sugar products.
Chestnut Lot Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
396 Main Poland Road, Conway, Massachusetts, 01341, USA (Directions)
(413) 369-4266
We are a small family run farm producing quality Maple Syrup and raising and selling USDA inspected Beefalo (3/8 bison and 5/8 bovine). A healthy red meat. Call ahead for daily hours of operation or set up time to pick up Maple Syrup or Beefalo.
Cranston’s Tree Farm
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Wholesale sales
Contact information
372 Baptist Corner Road, Ashfield, Massachusetts, 01330, USA (Directions)
We are the 4th generation in our family to produce high quality pure maple syrup. Every spring our rustic sugarhouse comes alive with the sweet smell of maple. It is here where we boil down maple sap on a wood-fired evaporator into its delicate, rich, and robust flavored syrups. Our …learn more
Crystal Brook Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
189 Main Road, Tyringham, Massachusetts, 01264, USA (Directions)
(413) 243-3237
6 miles from I-90 exit 2. From Rtes 20 & 102, first L on Rte 102 onto Tyringham Rd, 5.5 miles to farm on L. From Monterey center, turn onto Tyringham Rd, 4 miles to Main Rd, turn L, first farm on R.
Dan’s Veggies and Poplar Mountain Maple
Products & other services: Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
151 Northfield Road, Erving, Massachusetts, 01344, USA (Directions)
(413) 423-3242
Dan’s Veggies came into existence in 2007 when our youngest son, Dan, needed a summer job & we built the sugar house in 2009. Poplar Mountain Maple produced its first syrup in 2010. Warren comes from a long line of sugarmakers on both sides of his family going back at …learn more
Davenport Maple Farm
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Restaurant
Contact information
111 Tower Road, Shelburne, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
(413) 625-2866
We are a small family farm that has been in the Davenport family since 1913. We have a sugar house / restaurant operating in the spring for sugaring season. Our maple products are sold at the farm, at the Shelburne Falls Farmers Market in the summer, and at the Northampton …learn more
Daves Sugar House
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
1033 Jones Hill Road, Ashby, Massachusetts, 01431, USA (Directions)
(978) 386-7235
From Ashby Center, 1 mile west on Rte 119. Rt. onto West Rd. for 1.9 miles, right onto Jones Hill Rd. .3 miles on left.
Deer Meadow Farm
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple syrup
Contact information
60 Reed St., Warren, Massachusetts, 01083, USA (Directions)
Deer Meadow Farm is a small, family-run operation with a deep passion for crafting delicious, high-quality maple syrup. Our dedication is evident in the syrup’s exceptional quality, which has earned numerous awards at various Massachusetts state fairs. The farm is owned and operated by Rich Julian and his wife Debbie, …learn more
Dufresne’s Sugar House
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Wholesale sales
Contact information
113 Goshen Road, Williamsburg, Massachusetts, 01096, USA (Directions)
(413) 268-7509
The Dufresne family works for the maple sugaring season all year. At Dufresne’s we combine new sap collecting technology with over 100 years of New England sugaring & maple syrup production experience. We offer all four grades (golden color, delicate flavor; amber color, rich flavor; dark color, robust flavor; very dark color, strong flavor) …learn more
Ed’s Sugar Shack
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
72 S. County Road, Leyden, Massachusetts, 01301, USA (Directions)
(413) 773-7619
Edge Hill Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
298 Barnes Road, Ashfield, Massachusetts, 01330, USA (Directions)
(413) 625-6018
On Barnes Rd. off Baptist Corner Rd.
Fernwood Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
126 Fernwood Drive, East Longmeadow, MA 01028, USA (Directions)
We are a small hobby farm located in East Longmeadow, Mass. We produce maple syrup as a family and offer it for sale as supplies last. Maple syrup available all year long as supplies last. Contact us for maple syrup orders via our website, email or text. We offer fresh …learn more
Ferrindino Maple LLC
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Organic, Wholesale sales
Contact information
284 Glendale Road, Hampden, Massachusetts, 01036, USA (Directions)
Our family believes the best way to show loyalty and pride for a product is to make it personal. The Ferrindino Maple name reflects our dedication to the company and our product, ensuring that what we give to you is what we hold close to our hearts. Additional products include …learn more
Field Family Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
64 Main St., Byfield, Massachusetts, 01922, USA (Directions)
We are a small family operated sugar house that uses both buckets and pipeline. During sugaring season we are open 7 days a week from 9-7. We are open through mid-March.
Gardner’s Sugar House
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products
Contact information
1758 West Street, Wrentham, MA (Directions)
Located in scenic Wrentham MA, 1 mile south of Cook’s Farm and 3 miles from the Wrentham Premium Outlets. Traditional Wood Fired Evaporator E-mail or call for hours of operation or to order product.
Girard’s Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
57 Number Nine Road, Heath, Massachusetts, 01346, USA (Directions)
(413) 337-5788
Traditional roadside sugarhouse in operation since 1887 using advanced production methods & equipment. From Rte 2 take 8A North in Charlemont 6 mi. to Number Nine Rd. in Heath, #57 is 3/4 mile on left.
Grand Maple Farms
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
727 Moore Road, New Braintree, Massachusetts, 01531, USA (Directions)
Grand Maple Farms is a family run maple sugaring operation in New Braintree, MA. We are centrally located in the state. 25 minutes west of Worcester and 25 minutes north of Sturbridge. Come see a modern, yet rustic sugarhouse. At 1,100 ft. of elevation we have views to the south, …learn more
Graves Glen Farm Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Maple Weekend
Contact information
80 Wilson Graves Road, Shelburne, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
Graves Glen Farm Store – 104 Wilson Graves Rd. Open 24/7, cash, check, venmo. Self-serve. Maple, beef, pork, eggs, straw, compost. Stock 1st & 2nd cut hay, 20,000 plus bales. Oldest house built in 1762 in Shelburne. Owner Jon Graves Email the farm store. Phone: 413-522-9786
Gray’s Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup
Contact information
38 Barnes Road, Ashfield, Massachusetts, 01330, USA (Directions)
(413) 625-6559
Gray’s Sugarhouse … On Barnes Road, just off Baptist Corner Rd, 2 miles from Ashfield Center. A family owned and operated maple sugaring operation. Maple syrup and maple candy are available for sale and shipping through purchases at the Farmhouse, by mail order, or through our website: At the …learn more
Green Acres Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
67 Townsend St, Pepperell, MA 01463, USA (Directions)
A three-acre farm in Pepperell, Massachusetts with a roadside stand easily accessible on Route 113. We begin tapping in February and begin retail sales in March. During the growing season fresh vegetable are available as well as fresh eggs. We have a drive up farm stand stocked through the year. …learn more
Hager Bros. Maple Farm
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm, Restaurant, Wholesale sales
Contact information
1232 Mohawk Trail, Shelburne, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
A fifth generation farm family, we grow vegetables, herbs, sweet corn, pumpkins, squash, apple and peaches. Our grass-fed beef and pork is raised on our pastures and our pure maple syrup is produced from our 12,000 taps. You can find all these products at our market along with homemade bread, …learn more
Hanging Mountain Farm
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm
Contact information
188 North Road., Westhampton, MA 01027 (Directions)
Leo Aloisi was born and raised at the farm. Leo and his wife, Anita have 2 daughters that are the future of our farm. Our farm store offers a coffee to go, snacks, cold drinks, gifts, greeting cards, DIY kits and of course our own maple syrup and maple products! …learn more
Hardwick Sugar Shack
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
572 Jackson Road, Hardwick, Massachusetts, 01037, USA (Directions)
Quaint family farm producing pure maple products. Located down the road from Quabbin Reservoir between Worcester and Springfield.
Harris Mountain Sugar Shack
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm
Contact information
145 Harris Street, Granby, MA 01033 (Directions)
Fledgling family business working on expansion. We have been making maple syrup for 20+ years and now sharing our love of sugar making with the public. Watch for us on Facebook or call Heather to see when we are open. 2025 Maple Weekend open Saturday & Sunday – with a …learn more
Hickory Hill Maple
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
159 Buffington Hill Road, Worthington, Massachusetts, 01098, USA (Directions)
High Hopes Farm Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other maple products, Restaurant
Contact information
1132 Huntington Road (Rte. 112), Worthington, Massachusetts, 01098, USA (Directions)
(413) 238-5919
Gift shop with our pure maple products and local crafts. Sugarhouse buffet, serving 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday late February through mid-April. Also during the month of October, which includes Caleb’s Haunted Sugarhouse at no additional charge. Family owned and operated by the Rowe family since 1991. …learn more
Holiday Brook Farm
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
100 Holiday Cottage Road, Dalton, Massachusetts, 01226 USA (Directions)
Holiday Brook Farm is a fourth generation, 1300 acre farm, located in the beautiful Berkshire hills of Western Mass. Practicing sustainable agriculture, we produce 100% grass-fed beef and lamb, pastured pork, organic vegetables, Maple syrup, compost, firewood and hay. 100% Grass-Fed Beef and lamb, Pastured Pork, Organic vegetables, compost, and …learn more
Hollis Hills Farm
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
340 Marshall Road, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 01420, USA (Directions)
(978) 696-3130
Hollis Hills Farm is a working farm just 30 miles North of Worcester and 50 West of Boston. Check our website for more information! Don’t miss us during the fall for our famous homemade apple cider donuts, expansive orchard and more!
Honey Pot Maple Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
28 Marjorie Road, Wilmington, Massachusetts, 01887, USA (Directions)
(978) 361-0808
15 Minutes north of Boston. Honey Pot Maple Farm is a family run bee, maple and egg farm. We operate all year and are open for tours.
Ioka Valley Farm
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm, Restaurant, Wholesale sales
Contact information
3475 Rte 43, Hancock, Massachusetts, 01237, USA (Directions)
2025 Maple Weekend Open Saturday & Sunday 8 – 3 Calf-A serving our homemade pancake meals with our Pure Maple Syrup & Sugarhouse Open for Tours & Tastings with recipe sharing! Calf-A open weekends mid-February through early April serving homemade pancake, waffle, & French toast meals with our pure maple …learn more
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
87 Perkins Row, Topsfield, Massachusetts, 01983, USA (Directions)
(978) 887-9264
Maple sugaring tours on weekends for adults & families starting late February through mid-March. Offering three one-hour naturalist-guided tours daily. Call ahead to register for a tour time or register online. Homemade soups and desserts and other food items available for purchase. Maple products and our own maple syrup are …learn more
Jennings Brook Farm
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm
Contact information
83 Beach Hill Road, New Ashford, Massachusetts, 01237, USA (Directions)
(413) 458-8438
A special place and a special family await you. Since 1985, we have been raising grass-fed beef, maintaining the open space, and cutting and selling hay, as well as the marketable timber and firewood. We proudly handcraft our own maple products: Maple lollipops, maple nuts, maple cream, maple candy, maple sugar …learn more
John’s Maple
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
216 Chestnut Plain Road, Whately, Massachusetts, 01093, USA (Directions)
(413) 478-0873
1/4 mile North of Whately Inn. Call ahead for boiling schedule.
Jollie Well Away’s Sugar House
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
248 River Drive, Hadley, Massachusetts, 01035, USA (Directions)
(413) 687-1845
Small sugar house set off River Drive. Family operation. Open weekends during sugaring season. Call for boiling hours.
Justamere Tree Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
248 Patterson Road, Worthington, Massachusetts, 01098, USA (Directions)
(413) 238-5902
From Worthington Ctr. go 2 miles S on Rte 112. R on Kinne Brook Rd. 2 miles, then R on Adams to end, and L on Patterson Rd. 2nd house on left.
Kimstead Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
169 Hollis Street, Pepperell, MA 01463 (Directions)
Small family homestead focused on raising Nigerian dwarf goats, laying hens and two resident miniature donkeys. We also cultivate various types of berries for jam making. Annual Open Barn the last Saturday in April. Otherwise by appointment only.
Kingsbury Farms
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple syrup
Contact information
143 Sandgully Rd., South Deerfield (Directions)
(413) 768-8598
Larry & Rosa Todd
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
270 Thompson Rd, Princeton, MA (Directions)
Lone Larch Farm
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
16 Old County Rd, Ashburnham (Directions)
We are a small farm where we raise fresh produce, pasture range chicken, free range eggs, and small batch maple syrup. Open Spring-Fall, Friday-Sunday 9-5.
Maple Corner Farm
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Restaurant
Contact information
794 Beech Hill Road, Granville, Massachusetts, 01034, USA (Directions)
(413) 357-8829
We are an eighth generation family farm that has been making Maple Syrup since the early 1800’s. We have a new sugar house with a Reverse Osmosis Machine to process the maple sap, which is then boiled down to maple syrup in our energy efficient 3 foot by 12 foot …learn more
Maple Hollow Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
337 Stage Road, Cummington, Massachusetts, 01026, USA (Directions)
(413) 634-5595
4/10 mile east off Plainfield Rd.
Maple Ledge Farm
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend
Contact information
26 Vinton Road, Sturbridge, Massachusetts, 01566, USA (Directions)
Open every weekend in March, 10 am – 3 pm. Our family run sugar house is open weekends during the sugar season from 10 AM – 3 PM, sap and weather permitting. We offer a small farm experience where visitors can get a close-up view of the process of making …learn more
Mason Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
186 Pleasantdale Rd., Rutland, Massachusetts, 01543, USA (Directions)
Matfield Maple Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
107 Matfield Street, West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, 02379, USA (Directions)
(508) 588-9858
Rte 24 to 106-E to 28-N, Matfield St. 1/2 mile on right. Maple products and tours available year round, call ahead for hours.
Maxwell’s Maple
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple syrup
Contact information
370 Goss Lane, Lancaster, MA 01523 (Directions)
Maxwell’s Maple is a new, small scale producer in Central Mass. Saturday and Sunday 8am – 5pm during sugaring season, mid-February to mid-April.
Maynard Maple
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Wholesale sales
Contact information
6 Windmill Drive, Maynard, Massachusetts, 01754, USA (Directions)
2025 Maple Weekend Open Saturday & Sunday 1 – 4 Ron Kay’s love for making maple syrup began way up in the White Mountains of Northern NH. He and his brother discovered a neighbor tapping a maple tree. Ron was intrigued and so he and his brother tapped their first …learn more
Mayval Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
149 Easthampton Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, 01027, USA (Directions)
(413) 527-6274
Public always welcome.
Middleton Maples
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
214 Monterey Road, Otis, Massachusetts, 01253, USA (Directions)
(413) 269-4003
A family run business since 1963.
Mill Brook Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other maple products, Wholesale sales
Contact information
409 1/2 New Lenox Road, Lenox, Massachusetts, 01229, USA (Directions)
(413) 298-3473
Our sugarhouse is located in the heart of the Berkshires. We have been a family owned and operated sugarhouse for over 40 years and we take pride in making the best quality, pure maple syrup we can, We start with a grove of maple trees, collect the sap and boil …learn more
Mountain Maple
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
27 Gates Rd., Princeton, Massachusetts, 01541, USA (Directions)
We are a small family oriented operation with 200 taps and growing. Dave has been sugaring since he was a teenager on the family farm in western Massachusetts, and now the tradition continues on in central Mass, although some sap gathering techniques are vastly different than his grandparents would have …learn more
Mt. Massaemet Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
124 Ashfield Road, Shelburne, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
(413) 625-2673
Natick Community Organic Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Organic, Other products from this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
117 Eliot St, Natick, MA (Directions)
We are a Community Farm in the heart of Natick Massachusetts that produces maple syrup, vegetables, flowers, and meat! We are open to the public from sunrise to sunset and have a farm stand on site. We are certified Organic but only for our flowers and vegetables.
North Hadley Sugar Shack
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm, Restaurant, Wholesale sales
Contact information
181 River Drive, Hadley, Massachusetts, 01035, USA (Directions)
(413) 585-8820
Our Family has been producing pure maple syrup and serving our famous seasonal Breakfast for over twenty years. We produce, pack and ship everything on location in Hadley, MA, sell retail, online and wholesale across New England and beyond. We are a renowned agri-destination, offering educational demos, tours and tastings …learn more
Paul’s Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other maple products
Contact information
28 Goshen Road, Williamsburg, Massachusetts, 01096, USA (Directions)
(413) 268-3544
2025 Maple Weekend Open Saturday & Sunday 10 – 5 Sugar house tours. Syrup tastings. Maple cotton candy, syrup, cream, candy and granulated sugar for sale. Paul Zononi has been making maple syrup for over 60 years. He and his wife Serena have been sugaring together since 2007 and have …learn more
Pine Shadow Farm
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
36 S Schoolhouse Rd, Leyden, Massachusetts (Directions)
We have a small 10 acre farm where we boil the syrup and also saw logs to lumber. We’re pretty laid back as we are both retired. Open Monday & Tuesday 8 am. to 6 pm, No Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8 am. to 6pm. Please leave a message …learn more
Powow Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
28 E. Greenwood Street, Amesbury, Massachusetts, 01913, USA (Directions)
(978) 314-1129
Pure BS Maple Shack
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
149 Central Street, Auburn, Massachusetts, 01501, USA (Directions)
(508) 832-7008
Quissett Hill Farm
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Maple candy, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
58 Quissett Road, Mendon, Massachusetts, 01756, USA (Directions)
(508) 954-9527
We are a family owned and operated farm located at the end of scenic Quissett Road in Mendon, MA. We gather, process and make our own maple syrup; raise alpacas for their luxurious fiber and resell alpaca clothing; grow several different types of pumpkins ranging from traditional heirlooms to modern …learn more
Red Gate Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
4 Norman Rd, Ashfield, Massachusetts, 01330, USA (Directions)
Ridge Hill Maple Products/Sugar House
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
243 Graves Road, Ashfield, Massachusetts, 01330, USA (Directions)
(413) 625-6086
We are a small family operated sugar house with about 1000 taps. Located at the end of Graves Rd. off Barnes Rd. which comes off Baptist Corner Rd. in Ashfield. Call for directions and boiling schedule. We take orders and will ship anywhere.
Ripley Farm Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
11 West Chestnut Hill Road, Montague, Massachusetts, 01351, USA (Directions)
(413) 367-2031
River Maple Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
250 Brattleboro Road, Bernardston, Massachusetts, 01337, USA (Directions)
(413) 824-7614
Sugarhouse in operation for over 100 years. All buckets. Family operation.
Rocky Brook Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
109 Beamon Road, Sterling, MA (Directions)
We are a small family owned antique farm in Sterling, Ma. We are working to restore our beautiful New England bank barn, as so many barns around are left to neglect and disrepair. We are an old fashioned, small family farm. We have 125 taps and transport our sap from …learn more
Runnymeade Farm
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup
Contact information
109 South Rd., Westhampton, Massachusetts, 01027, USA (Directions)
Runnymede Farm has been in the Norris family since 1919. In addition to producing maple syrup, we also raise cattle, corn, hay, and pumpkins. Additionally we sell firewood, compost, and bark mulch.
Salmi’s Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
41B Bacon Street, Westminster, Massachusetts, 01473, USA (Directions)
We are a small scale local family sugaring operation concerned with producing the highest quality syrup. Please call ahead to arrange for syrup purchases.
Sap Castle
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple candy, Maple syrup, Wholesale sales
Contact information
29 Overlook Road, Rutland, Massachusetts, 01543, USA (Directions)
(508) 886-4564
During sugaring season we’re open 11-3 Saturday and Sunday for sales and visits (weather depending). Order from our website for pickup or swing by our self-serve box on the sugarhouse is available all year round for sales. Sap Castle is a third-generation family farm (with the fourth generation learning the …learn more
Severance’s Maple Products
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Wholesale sales
Contact information
52 Pierson Road, Northfield, Massachusetts, 01360, USA (Directions)
(413) 834-7938 or (413) 498-2032
We welcome visitors to our sugar house during sugaring season on a call ahead basis for our boiling times when the sap is running. You can purchase products year round by going to our web site and have your product shipped or you can pickup at our farm 7 days …learn more
Shattuck’s Sugar House
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
34 Kopec Avenue, Belchertown, Massachusetts, 01007, USA (Directions)
(413) 323-7639
Just off Rte 202, 1 mile N of junction of Rtes 9 & 202. Scenic Jabish Brook and Devon cattle.
Shaw’s Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
6 Depot Rd, Buckland, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
Our farm offers Maple products, syrup, candy, maple cream, maple sugar, maple meat rubs, our own eggs, our own beef and our smoked bacon. Contact us via phone or email for hours.
Smith’s Sugaring
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
19 Sadoga Rd, Charlemont, MA (Directions)
Smith’s Sugaring. Good old fashioned wood fired sugaring. 200 years of tradition unimpeded by progress.
Stacey’s City Syrup
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
19 Wyola St, Worcester, Massachusetts, 01603, USA (Directions)
Stan’s Maple
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
80 Old Village Rd., Shelburne, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
Hobby maple sugaring operation, open most anytime. Also selling farm fresh eggs.
Steve’s Sugar Shack
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Restaurant
Contact information
34 North Road, Westhampton, Massachusetts, 01027, USA (Directions)
(413) 527-0294
Steve’s Sugar Shack is open for breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays from 7:00am – 1:00pm from the last weekend of February through mid-April. Food is cooked to order and seating is first-come, first-serve, no reservations. Maple syrup, cream, candy, granulated sugar and cotton candy is available for sale during open …learn more
Stonegate Farm Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Wholesale sales
Contact information
1264 Bardwell Ferry Road, Conway, Massachusetts, 01341, USA (Directions)
(413) 369-4459
Come visit our state of the art sugarhouse using all the latest technology.
Sunrise Farms
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
24 Heath Branch Road, Colrain, Massachusetts, 01340, USA (Directions)
(413) 624-3210
Pure maple products made with clean burning wood chips. Come enjoy our scenic 3-mile hiking trail.
Sweet Water Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple syrup
Contact information
56 Brown Road, Royalston, Massachusetts, 01368, USA (Directions)
(978) 249-3464
You will be able to see us boiling on our 2×6 Grimm in our 15×20 sugar shack. Take a stroll through the woods and look at our gravity fed tubing lines. Purchase our syrup in Mass jugs.
Tessiers Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
60 Fairgrounds Road, Cummington, Massachusetts, 01026, USA (Directions)
(413) 634-5022
1/2 mile S of Rte 9.
The Maple Hut
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
1162 River Road, Agawam, Massachusetts, 01001, USA (Directions)
(413) 789-6477
Call or text ahead or check website for boiling times.
The Shanty
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
148 Radiker Road, Worthington (Directions)
Hobby farm. Syrup usually available when boiling. Maple syrup and honey on site. Bees are neighbors to the sugar house.
Thompson’s Maple Farm
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
377 Dennis Whitney Rd., New Braintree, Massachusetts, 01531, USA (Directions)
We are a small maple farm in New Braintree, MA making our own maple syrup and maple products from over 1,200 taps located in North Brookfield, New Braintree and Oakham. We also make our own ice cream and ice cream sandwiches made with dairy from Coopers Hilltop Farm in Leicester, …learn more
Top o’The Hill Maple
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
33 Birch Hill Rd, Blandford, Massachusetts, 01008, USA (Directions)
Trom’s Sugar Shack
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple syrup
Contact information
786 Little Rest Rd., Brimfield, Massachusetts, 01083, USA (Directions)
Call for appointment to purchase products, or visit our Facebook page @TromsSugarShack for weekly updates. Our family owned business has been making maple syrup since 2016 and is a growing industry. We make our product for your family to enjoy, and take pride in every drop that is produced …learn more
Turner Farm Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
11 Philips Road, South Egremont, Massachusetts, 01258, USA (Directions)
(413) 528-5710
Located off Rte 23 between South Egremont and Hillsdale, NY. Dairy farm tours.
Two Mamas Farm
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm
Contact information
11 Porter Hill Rd, Cummington, MA 01026 (Directions)
We are a queer, women-owned, family run farm specializing in organic maple products. We have a particular fondness for spreading the maple love through gifts and wedding/table favors! Glass bottled certified organic maple syrup. Maple gifts and samplers in farm milled and handcrafted wood boxes and holders.Sustainably harvested and farm-milled …learn more
Underwood Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
415 Rockrimmon Rd., Belchertown, Massachusetts, 01007, USA (Directions)
150 tap small producer. Year round farm stand.
Waidlich Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Other products from this farm
Contact information
156 E. Mineral Rd., Millers Falls, Massachusetts, 01349, USA (Directions)
100 year old family farm, 250 acres at the confluence of the Millers and Connecticut rivers in Millers Falls. Open daily during maple season, last week of February through 3rd week of March. Also selling hay, sweet corn, native rough lumber, and Christmas trees.
Wheel-View Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
212 Reynolds Road, Shelburne, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
(413) 625-2900
Come enjoy the view at our farm. We operate a 3×8 wood-fired evaporator and sell maple syrup and maple cream. We also raise Belted Galloway cattle and sell grass-fed beef. Visitors are welcome. Please call ahead.
White’s Maple Syrup
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple syrup
Contact information
773 Tea Street, Charlemont, Massachusetts, 01339, USA (Directions)
We are a small family run sugaring operation that has been passed down through several generations, and we are proud to carry on the tradition. Our syrup is made on a wood fired evaporator from trees on family owned land. We sell maple syrup from our historic home on the …learn more
Williams Farm Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm, Products from others sold at this farm, Restaurant, Wholesale sales
Contact information
491 Greenfield Road, Deerfield, Massachusetts, 01342, USA (Directions)
(413) 773-5186
2024 Hours: Opening, Saturday February 24, 2024 through late March/beginning of April. Williams Farm Sugarhouse is open for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM-2:00PM. Come try our delicious pancakes, waffles, French Toast and maple frosted donuts. All meals served with our maple syrup made on site. Please note food is …learn more
Windy Hill Farm
Products & other services: Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Restaurant
Contact information
150 Sam Hill Road, Worthington, Massachusetts, 01098, USA (Directions)
(413) 238-5869
2025 Maple Weekend Open Saturday & Sunday Serving our pancake breakfasts & boiling demonstration. Located on Sam Hill Road off Rte 112 in Worthington, 1 mile south of lights. We are one of the oldest sugarhouses in Hampshire County. We serve breakfast during sugaring and foliage season on weekends, or …learn more
Winston’s Sugar House
Products & other services: Bulk sales, Mail order, Maple candy, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Wholesale sales
Contact information
1 Ashfield Road, Buckland, Massachusetts, 01370, USA (Directions)
We are a small family owned operation but will have a big impact on your taste buds whether it’s syrup on pancakes or some candy as a late night snack!! Call, text, or email Hunter with any orders or questions.
Woodlife Ranch
Products & other services: Mail order, Maple candy, Maple syrup, Maple Weekend, Other products from this farm, Wholesale sales
Contact information
1352 Hancock Rd, Williamstown, Massachusetts, 01267, USA (Directions)
2025 Maple Weekend Open Saturday & Sunday Woodlife Ranch is a family-owned and operated farm, producing fine food and forest products using the most environmentally responsible and sustainable practices.
Woodville Maples
Products & other services: Granulated maple sugar, Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple cream, Maple syrup, Other maple products, Other products from this farm
Contact information
217 Wood Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts, 01748, USA (Directions)
(508) 341-5108
Woodville Maples is a small, family-run sugar house producing local, pure maple syrup and honey. We are located in Woodville, Massachusetts, a village of Hopkinton. Other products available include maple lollipops, raw honey, and bees wax. Sales by appointment only. Simply email or text your order for pick up. Please …learn more
Zawalick’s Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple candy, Maple coated nuts, Maple syrup
Contact information
538 Sylvester Road, Florence, Massachusetts, 01062, USA (Directions)
(413) 584-3648
Take exit 18 off I-91, turn L, then L at light. After next light bear L onto Rte 66. Go west 4.7 miles, R on West Farms Rd. to Sylvester Rd. (follow signs). Maple products and gift packaging available all year.
Zilinski Sugarhouse
Products & other services: Maple syrup
Contact information
20 East Prospect Street, Erving, Massachusetts, 01344, USA (Directions)
(413) 422-2365